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广州 (中国,广东) - 基希讷乌 (摩尔多瓦) | 广州 (中国,广东) - 戈梅利 (白俄罗斯) |
广州 (中国,广东) - 阿拉木图 (哈萨克斯坦) | 广州 (中国,广东) - 埃里温 (亚美尼亚) |
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广州 (中国,广东) - 阿什哈巴德 (土库曼斯坦) | 广州 (中国,广东) - 別爾江斯克 (乌克兰) |
广州 (中国,广东) - 比什凯克 (吉尔吉斯斯坦) | 广州 (中国,广东) - 杜尚别 (塔吉克斯坦) |
广州 (中国,广东) - 巴库 (阿塞拜疆) |
ABB 3BSE022462R1 TU847
General Information
Product ID:3BSE022462R1
ABB Type Designation:TU847
Catalog Description:TU847 MTU for CI840
Long Description:For 1+1 CI840 Supporting non-redundant I/O. Vertical mounting of modules. Supporting non-redundant I/O. Including:
- 1 pcs Power Supply Connector
- 1 pcs TB807 Modulebus Terminator
Please contact me get more information
Website: www.cwlyautomation.com
Additional Information
Medium Description:For 1+1 CI840 Supporting non-redundant I/O. Vertical mounting of modules. Supporting non-redundant I/O. Including:
- 1 pcs Power Supply Connector
- 1 pcs TB807 Modulebus Terminator
Product Type:Module_Termination_Unit
Technical Information:For 1+1 CI840 Supporting non-redundant I/O. Vertical mounting ofmodules. Supporting non-redundant I/O. Including:
- 1 pcs Power Supply Connector
- 1 pcs TB807 Modulebus Terminator
HS Code:853710-- Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases, equipped with two or more apparatus of heading 85.35 or 85.36, for electric control or the distribution of electricity, including those incorporating instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical control apparatus, other than switching apparatus of heading 85.17.- For a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V
Customs Tariff Number:85371098
Please contact me get more information
Website: www.cwlyautomation.com
Product Net Depth / Length:47 mm
Product Net Height:186 mm
Product Net Width:124 mm
Product Net Weight:0.5 kg
RoHS Status:Following EU Directive 2011/65/EU
WEEE Category: Small Equipment (No External Dimension More Than 50 cm)
Number of Batteries:0
Please contact me get more information
Website: www.cwlyautomation.com
Products›Control System Products›I/O Products›S800 I/O›S800 I/O - Module Termination Units›TU847 Termination Units›TU847 MTU for CI840
Products›Control Systems›800xA›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 4.0›I/O Modules
Products›Control Systems›800xA›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 4.1›I/O Modules
Products›Control Systems›800xA›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 5.0›I/O Modules
Products›Control Systems›800xA›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 5.1›I/O Modules
Products›Control Systems›800xA›System›800xA System›800xA 6.0 System›I/O Modules
Products›Control Systems›Compact Product Suite›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 4.1›I/O Modules
Products›Control Systems›Compact Product Suite›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 5.0›I/O Modules
Products›Control Systems›Compact Product Suite›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 5.1›I/O Modules
Products›Control Systems›Compact Product Suite›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 6.0›I/O Modules
Parts & Services›Control Systems›800xA›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 4.1›I/O Modules
Parts & Services›Control Systems›800xA›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 5.0›I/O Modules
Parts & Services›Control Systems›800xA›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 5.1›I/O Modules
Parts & Services›Control Systems›Compact Product Suite›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 4.1›I/O Modules
Parts & Services›Control Systems›Compact Product Suite›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 5.0›I/O Modules
Parts & Services›Control Systems›Compact Product Suite›I/Os›S800 I/O›S800 I/O 5.1›I/O Modules